

Writing a book is a dream for many, but it can be a challenging process. We are happy to help you on your way, from the moment you start choosing an idea to publishing your work.

Preparation: The first step to a successful book

Not every design programme is suitable for creating a book cover. Fortunately, there is a wide choice of both paid and free design programmes you can use to submit a book cover design to us.

Choosing an idea

Choosing an idea is the first and perhaps most important step in the writing process. Your idea should inspire and motivate you to keep going, even when the going gets tough. Writing a book requires time and discipline. Your inspiration for your book can come from anywhere, such as personal experiences, books you have read yourself or perhaps something you have seen on the street.

Research & planning

To write a good story, don’t underestimate the importance of doing good research. This is especially true for non-fiction books, but also for fiction. It ensures your story is believable and your characters come alive. Also make a schedule for yourself to stay organised and maintain progress in the writing process.

Define your target group

Who will you write the book for? With a target audience in mind, you determine the tone, style and content of the book. Realise that everyone is too big a target group, because you cannot please everyone. Once you choose your target audience carefully and tailor your story accordingly, your book is many times more likely to be a success.

The writing process: from concept to book

Writing style and tone of voice

With a unique writing style, you will make your work recognisable and set yourself apart from the rest. Your writing style is like a signature; it makes your work instantly recognisable to your readers. It is important to stay consistent in your writing style to keep your readers captivated. Finding your own voice may take some time, but it is an important part of the writing process. Try out different styles and tones to discover what best suits you and your story. A consistent tone of voice also helps convey your message clearly and convincingly.

Structure and plot development

Now that you have researched and know who you are going to write for, the next step is to determine the structure of your book. In this step, you outline your book by dividing the story into themes. Creating a structure keeps things clear while writing. Think about the structure of your story and make sure you have a clear beginning, middle and end. A good structure helps you organise your thoughts and makes your story flow logically.


One of the best things about writing a book is coming up with characters. This gives you the chance to create unique and interesting characters that bring your story to life. Pay enough time and attention to this and give your characters depth. Think about their background, their fears and dreams. How do they react in different situations? By working out these details, the characters become believable and engaging.


Stick to your writing schedule you made earlier. Regular writing is very important! A set routine helps you stay consistent and make progress. By setting aside a certain time every day or every week for writing, you will make it a habit. This will keep you motivated even on days when you are less inspired. Moreover, you will speed up the writing process and be one step closer to your dream.

Editing and revision: improving the story


No one has ever managed to write a perfect book in one go. Self-editing is a crucial step where you dot the ‘i’ by proofreading, rewriting and perhaps deleting parts of your book. In this phase, you make the story more exciting and better. Work on the content of the story first: make sure the plot is logical, the characters are well developed and the suspense is strong. Only then do you focus on form, such as language, style and grammar. Also, take the time to put your book aside and read it again later, as if you were the reader. Ask yourself questions such as: Is the story exciting enough? Do I want to keep reading? This will help you review and further improve your manuscript with fresh eyes.

Feedback round

Find proofreaders who can provide feedback on your book. Choose proofreaders who fit the target audience you are writing for, so you know immediately whether the story will catch on. Proofreaders can offer valuable insights on what works well in your book and which parts can be improved. For example, organise a feedback session in which your proofreaders discuss their findings with you. This allows you to go deeper into their comments and get clarification where necessary. Of course, we can also help you edit your book.

Getting professional help

Of course, we can also help you edit your book. Hiring a professional editor can make a big difference in the quality of your book. An experienced editor can not only correct language and grammar errors, but also advise on structure, plot development and character development. This ensures that your story reads smoothly and all elements fit together well. Moreover, an editor can help you keep your writing style and tone of voice consistent. This is important to hold your readers’ attention.

Publication: Publishing your book

As a publisher, we are ready to support you in every step of the publishing process, from writing your book to selling it. Feel free to contact with us. We offer professional guidance in editing, design and even distribution of your book.

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